Sunday, September 14, 2008

Never Diet Again!

How would it feel if you thought you might be a healthy weight without dieting, and that you would never have to diet again? Can you imagine the time you would have to do other things if you never dieted again?
As a holistic health counselor, I have met many people who have been on all the diets you can name, have lost weight, and then gained it back with a little extra on top. Sound familiar? What upsets me most is that these people feel like failures - they are embarrassed, frustrated and terribly discouraged. When you have been on many diets and continue to be overweight, it's sort of like banging your head against the wall to get rid of a headache. It just doesn't work. So why do so many people get back in the game and try another new and shiny diet? Because they haven't forgotten how much they want to lose weight, and they hope this time it will be the right diet. So what is different about the way I work? You won't hear the word diet from me. You will hear about a way of eating that responds to your body's own uniqueness and needs. It will no longer be about deprivation, but about listening to your body and giving it what it needs. It will be attention to real food, not packages filled with preservatives and chemicals. It will be about building your self-esteem and confidence in your appearance and how you carry yourself. It will be about recognizing that not everyone should be a size 2 and to be realistic and comfortable about who you are. It will be about honoring your worthiness to have real food every day, not just when someone visits. This is the beginning of true nourishment and acceptance, and it is here that you will find success.

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